Sunday, May 2, 2010


1. Boise Art Museum

I went to Boise Art Museum and there were several galleries going on. The one that caught my eyes was Robots gallery. I went in and looked at couple of them and seemed very cool. There were paintings, drawings, sculptures, and photographs.

Nam June Paik
Born 1932 Seoul, Korea
Died 2006 Miami, Florida

This was a painting. Total of 8 images put together but separately framed. 4 image son the top and 4 images below, the top images being the eye level of standing person and hanging on the wall. On each painting there is a drawing of a robot on a colored background. Each image has a different color of background(brown, yellow, blue, green, pink, red, blue, and black). The drawings of robots are very schematized. They are not very realistic nor 3D looking. On the robots there are Chinese writings on them.
I thought it was very eye catching yet very simple. colorful and vibrant.
I'm not sure what the meaning of this art is, but i thought it showed a very interesting characteristics of the artist's style.
2. Boise Capital

I went to Boise Capital to check out their new displays of photographs. The one that caught my eye was a photograph of Balloon Fest in Boise.

Michael Luque
Boise Balloon Fest 2006

This is a colored photograph of Boise city with huge several balloons floating around. In the photograph, there are Boise Capital building and US Bank building. I thought it was very interesting because i didnt even know they had this kind of event here in Boise in 2006. The color of photograph is rather dull except for the balloons, so it makes balloons pop out more.

I don't think there is a very much of a meaning to this photograph. It is more like a purpose of keeping a memory and history of Boise.

3. Boise Zoo

I went to Boise Zoo to check out couple things, since I've never been to it even though I've lived in Boise for 9 years, i thought it would be my chance to visit.

I was looking at animals but they weren't all that interesting. Not to mention it wasn't much of a gallery. But I found something that was semi-interesting. It was a collection of animal head. I thought it was rather a best gallery display at the zoo. And also found a collection of different animal's waste. I thought it was interesting and same time very funny.
The main purpose of the zoo was to be informative about animals.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Roberto Baciocchi

Roberto Baciocchi is an Italian Architect who is most notably known for designing Prada stores. While being gone last week, I was able to see the Prada store in Las Vegas Nevada. It was pretty cool inside and out. He is normally known for making the stores look out of the ordinary. This was pretty hard to do in Las Vegas but I think he accomplished it. Here are some pics:

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Anne Frank Memorial

1.) The memorial is located at 770 S. 8th St. There are rocks, water, concrete, statues, and engravings with text.

2.) I think the Anne Frank Memorial represents faith in Humanity, not only from Anne Frank but many other "famous" human rights activists.

3.) The visual elements that were most dominant for me were the writing that were engraved throughout the rockwalls above the stream. I read through it and remembered how much I like text in art. Its beautiful.

4.) I think that the memorial is site specific. I think it was designed to be in this certain space and stay there.

5.) Greg Stone was one of the creators. Kurt Karst, an architect from Idaho, was the designer. The memorial was funded by Albertson's Supervalu, Fundsy, Officemax, individual doners throughout Idaho, and also by Idaho school children.

6.) Statues, Rocks, Water, engraving on stone, Audio boxes, and concrete were all used to create this memorial.

7.) I love the way the text functions. To me it is needed to help emphasize the rest of the art. The text functions as a way to help people understand the why the art was made.

8.) I think that there is a strong communication of equality. The title is somewhat questionable because there are so many people that are referred to and some of the quotes are stronger than any of the Anne Frank quotes. However, I think that the majority of quotes are from Anne.

9.) I think that the memorial is very successful because of the way it pulls you in. There is beautiful art around, architecture and sculpture, audio boxes, great quotes and everyone is welcome to it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pablo Picasso


Igor Stravinsky


I know throwing Picasso up on your Blog is probably a little cliche, but he is one of my favorite artists. I love his art and also love his quotes. When we were watching the video on copyright infringement for art, I remembered a quote from Picasso that a friend told me. It was, "Bad artists copy. Good artists steal." I've always interpreted that to mean art done by taking ideas from others and putting your own twist on it to brand it yours is good. This is very true in almost all art. There's really nothing you can do that hasn't been done before.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier is an amazing architect. He did many great works but like most people, Villa Savoye is my favorite from him. I loved his idea of making an architectural promenade where you could move through and experience architecture. Also most of his building were up on columns or pilotis. He is truly inspiring to any artist or architect.

Villa Savoye
looking out towards the ramp


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gustave Courbet

Gustave's self portrait is one of my favorite pieces from a realist artist. His painting are all pretty amazing though. I feel that he spent a lot of time choosing what he wanted to paint rather than making a bunch of realistic paintings. But, he has made a lot of paintings. He is one of the innovators of realism and anyone can see why. Here's some pictures:

Self Portrait
The Wrestlers
The Stonebreakers

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Janine Antoni

Loving Care


So, back when we were learning about conceptual art, we came across an artist who painted with her hair. Unfortunately, I was not able to look her up again until now. I thought it was pretty amazing and thought maybe if I became a sweet architect someday, I would hire her to paint every wall in a house with her hair. I loved how unique her idea was with the way she swirled around with her hair that was dipped in paint.