2.) I think the Anne Frank Memorial represents faith in Humanity, not only from Anne Frank but many other "famous" human rights activists.
3.) The visual elements that were most dominant for me were the writing that were engraved throughout the rockwalls above the stream. I read through it and remembered how much I like text in art. Its beautiful.
4.) I think that the memorial is site specific. I think it was designed to be in this certain space and stay there.
5.) Greg Stone was one of the creators. Kurt Karst, an architect from Idaho, was the designer. The memorial was funded by Albertson's Supervalu, Fundsy, Officemax, individual doners throughout Idaho, and also by Idaho school children.
6.) Statues, Rocks, Water, engraving on stone, Audio boxes, and concrete were all used to create this memorial.
7.) I love the way the text functions. To me it is needed to help emphasize the rest of the art. The text functions as a way to help people understand the why the art was made.
8.) I think that there is a strong communication of equality. The title is somewhat questionable because there are so many people that are referred to and some of the quotes are stronger than any of the Anne Frank quotes. However, I think that the majority of quotes are from Anne.
9.) I think that the memorial is very successful because of the way it pulls you in. There is beautiful art around, architecture and sculpture, audio boxes, great quotes and everyone is welcome to it.
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